The Spring Allergy Survival Guide

The Spring Allergy Survival Guide

If you have seasonal allergies, here are some tips for reducing symptoms when exercising outdoors.

Spring weather has many people looking forward to exercising outdoors. But if you have seasonal allergies, the thought of going for a walk or a run outside during this time of year may make you want to cringe.

No one wants to be stuck indoors when beautiful spring weather is summoning you outside. Here are some tips that may help you exercise outdoors without being sidelined by allergy symptoms:

  • 了解你的诱因. Different allergens may be more bothersome on different days or at different times of the day. For example, pollen is typically higher in the morning, while mold spores are higher midday.
  • 检查过敏原数量. Before heading outdoors, check allergen levels by watching your local weather forecast or visiting the National Allergy Bureau website.  If counts are high for your triggers, switch to an indoor workout.
  • Cover your head 和 eyes. Wear a hat 和 glasses to keep pollen from sticking to your hair or getting in your eyes, which can be irritating.
  • 使用生理盐水. Saline nasal sprays help clear out allergens 和 can loosen up mucus in your nasal passage. If you need to take allergy medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the best time to take them so they don't leave you feeling tired.
  • 保持水分. Make sure you drink water, especially when allergies are bothering you or weather is hot 和 humid.
  • 改变衣服. Remove shoes by the door or leave them outside. Change clothes 和 wash in hot soapy water to avoid tracking allergens around the house.
  • 洗个澡. Pollen sticks to your body 和 hair so take a shower to wash it off before heading to bed.
  • 是灵活的. Some days you'll be able to exercise outdoors without issues, while other days it's better to switch to an indoor workout. Or you may need to split your workout into an indoor 和 outdoor component to reduce exposure.

Speak with a Specialist

Make your appointment with a Guthrie allergy specialist today.


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Date Last Reviewed: February 24, 2022

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, 公司. 联系编辑

膳食回顾: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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