Surgery is often the most effective method for treating breast cancer. It is used to remove the cancerous tumor and any tissue surrounding it that may be affected. Which kind of surgery you need depends on your stage and type of breast cancer. You and your care team can discuss options and decide what is right for you.

Types of breast cancer surgery:

  • 乳房切除术 - surgery to remove the entire breast with a cancerous tumor. Often reconstruction can be included to restore appearance.
  • 乳房肿瘤切除术 – surgery to remove part of the breast.
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy - a minimally invasive procedure to remove the main (sentinel) lymph nodes in the underarm (axilla) to test for cancer.
  • Axillary lymph node dissection - surgery to remove all or a group of lymph nodes in the underarm (axilla).

To schedule an appointment call 570-887-2853.

Breast Cancer Surgery at Guthrie

Breast surgery specialists – we have surgeons who are specially trained in breast surgery and reconstruction – breast surgical oncologists and 整形外科医生. They work with the team of board-certified oncologists from radiation and 医学肿瘤学 to develop the best treatment plan for you.

Onco整形手术 – our breast surgeon uses plastics techniques during lumpectomy to sculpt the remaining tissue for a good cosmetic appearance.

Multidisciplinary Clinic – specialists from breast surgical oncology, 整形手术, 医学肿瘤学, radiation oncology, radiology and pathology, along with other members of the breast care team meet to discuss your plan of care. After this meeting, 如果合适的话, you meet with each of your providers in one location all on the same day to discuss the recommended coordinated plan.

Tumor localization ——传统上, for tumors that are found on a mammogram but can’t be felt, a wire is placed in the breast on the day of surgery to locate the tumor for removal. We have transitioned to special chips implanted before the day of the operation. The chips can be detected by radar technology which allows us to locate tumors more accurately. 病人 report more comfort and convenience with these chips.


Find breast cancer care at one of our convenient regional locations.
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